Регистар за Испуштање и Пренос на Загадувачи РИПЗ Pollutant Release and Transfer Register PRTR Regjistri i Shkarkimeve dhe Transferimit të Ndotësve RSHTN
Mакедонски информативен центар за животна средина Macedonian Environmental Information Center MEIC Qendra informative e Maqedonisë për mjedisin jetësor
The Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - PRTR represents a set of data about the source, type, amount and location of release and disposal of pollutants, and waste into environmental media
For reporting in line with the requirements set out in the Rulebook on the form, content, methodology and manner of maintaining the Register of release and transfer of pollutants, the facilities will use PRTR web application, titled PRTR-online.