Регистар за Испуштање и Пренос на Загадувачи РИПЗ
Pollutant Release and Transfer Register PRTR
Regjistri i Shkarkimeve dhe Transferimit të Ndotësve RSHTN
Mакедонски информативен центар за животна средина
Macedonian Environmental Information Center MEIC
Qendra informative e Maqedonisë për mjedisin jetësor


The Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - PRTR represents a set of data about the source, type, amount and location of release and disposal of pollutants, and waste into environmental media
The establishment of PRTR provides public access to information about:
  • Harmful chemicals and substances released into environmental media or being transferred off – site.
  • The amount of harmful chemicals and substances being released or transferred off – site.
  • Where the pollution occurs.
  • Who is responsible for releasing pollutants.
According annex 1 from the Rulebook on the form, content, methodology and manner of keeping the Register of release and transfer of pollutants in Republic of Macedonia, the register covers 65 industrial activities grouped into 9 industrial sectors, namely:
  • Energy
  • Production and processing of metals
  • Mineral industry
  • Chemical industry
  • Waste and waste water management
  • Paper and wood production and processing
  • Intensive livestock production and aquaculture
  • Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector
  • Other activities
According Annex 2 from the Rulebook on the form, content, methodology and manner of maintaining the Register of release and transfer of pollutants, the register covers 91 pollutant grouped into 7 groups, namely:
  • Heavy metals
  • Pesticides
  • Inorganic substances
  • Organic substances
  • Greenhouse gasses
  • Other gasses
  • Chlorinated organic substances
Reporting obligation has each economic operator (industrial facility) that carries out one or more activities that exceed the thresholds capacities specified in Annex 1 from the Rulebook on the form, content, methodology and manner of keeping the Register of release and transfer of pollutants in Republic of Macedonia.
The following industrial activities need to be reported:
The PRTR reports are submitted to the competent authority for PRTR, namely the Ministry of environment and physical planning.
For reporting in line with the requirements set out in the Rulebook on the form, content, methodology and manner of maintaining the Register of release and transfer of pollutants, the facilities will use PRTR web application, titled PRTR-online.
The reporting frequency is once per year.