Регистар за Испуштање и Пренос на Загадувачи РИПЗ
Pollutant Release and Transfer Register PRTR
Regjistri i Shkarkimeve dhe Transferimit të Ndotësve RSHTN
Mакедонски информативен центар за животна средина
Macedonian Environmental Information Center MEIC
Qendra informative e Maqedonisë për mjedisin jetësor


The project “Right to know, right now” was born as a result of the cooperation between the Ministry of environment and physical planning and the NGO for Environmental democracy – FLOROZON. The main objective of the project was the enforcement of the UNECE regulations derived from the PRTR Protocol in Macedonia.

The project lasted for 1 year (November 2014 to October 2015).

The Ministry of environment and NGO “Center for environmental democracy – FLOROZON”, undertook a series of activities within the project “Right to know, right now” for implementation of the UNECE PRTR Protocol in Macedonia. The project was financially supported by the Norwegian embassy in Belgrade, Serbia. The following project activities were realized:

  • Preparation of the Study for the PRTR Protocol in Republic of Macedonia (printed in 1000 copies).
  • Preparation of short manual for reporting through the BUBE software.
  • Preparation and publishing of the Draft Strategy for implementation of the PRTR Protocol in Republic of Macedonia (printed in 1000 copies)
  • Promotional leaflets about PRTR (bilingual) (printed in 1000 copies)
  • Three workshops were organized in different towns (Skopje, Stip and Gostivar) of the country for the representatives of the industry about their obligations regarding the PRTR Protocol as well as training for using the so called BUBE software as part of the reporting process. Many representatives of the civil society also took part in the workshop achieving the main goal of the PRTR Protocol which is public access to information from the register. The events were supported by the media through local TV stations.
  • A working group consisted of representatives of the Ministry of environment, State environmental inspectorate, Cement factory “Usje” as a representative of the industry and CED – FLOROZON as a representative of the NGO’s was established to implement the project activities.

This project is continuation of the initial project for supporting the establishment and implementation of the principles of the Aarhus Convention as well as the protocol and has a goal to provide public access to information through sustainable development of integrated, national registers for pollutant releases and transfers, providing public participation in decision – making in the environmental area as well as to contribute in pollution prevention and control.

The financial support for realizing the project activities is provided by the German Federal Ministry and Agency of environment focusing on the west Balkan countries and Moldavia. The implementation of the project was carried out by the Macedonian Ministry of environment in cooperation with the Regional environmental center (REC) – Office in Macedonia.

The project lasted for 2 years (March 2015 to February 2017).

The following project activities were finalized:

  • Software corrections were made in the reporting BUBE software.
  • Development of the reporting tool for reporting toward the European PRTR (E-PRTR)
  • Extending the working group for implementing the project activities in order to coordinate and implement the PRTR Protocol in Macedonia
  • Preparation of PRTR brochure tailored for the civil society aiming to define their role in the process of implementing the obligations coming out of the PRTR Protocol.
  • Upgrade of the existing PRTR web portal (ripz.moepp.gov.mk).
  • Organizing workshops for strengthening the capacities of the industry and NGO’s as well as promotion of the adopted Strategy for implementation of the PRTR Protocol in Macedonia
  • Sub regional workshop on topic “The success, challenges and best practices in development of operational Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) systems in west Balkan countries and Republic of Moldavia” was held on 08 – 09.11.2016 in Hotel Holiday Inn, Skopje – Republic of Macedonia. The main objective of the workshop was the exchange of information, experience and knowledge gained through the process of implementation of the protocol as a significant contribution to the development of efficient PRTR systems as well as to emphasize the need of mutual learning, adaptation, cooperation and use of best practices by the member states of the project. The workshop was attended by representatives of the west Balkan countries (Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Montenegro) as well as representatives of Moldavia, Germany, UNECE Secretariat, EU and REC.